Moisture and Corrosion Protective Coatings

Extreme Protection Coating for Electrical Contacts, Battery Terminals and Printed Circuit Boards Against Moisture, Water, Salt Fog, Salt Spray and Salt Water Exposures:

With enhancement of UV blockers, CC7133 (available with white, black, Gray, Blue and Red colors) is designed for extreme protection of metals, woods, ceramics and plastics for UV protection in addition to water, moisture, salt water and salt fog exposures and corrosion.

PRIMA-PROTECT CC7133 combines the moisture and water blocking characteristics and the UV blocking of the direct sun exposure to provide a color matching coating on the contact areas and the the painted enclosures to protect against rust and corrosion.

PRIMA-PROTECT CC7133 provides the moisture and water blocking characteristics and the UV blocking of the direct sun exposure to provide a color matching coating for the refinery and other industrial infrastructure protection against rust and corrosion from salt fog, heat and moisture, acid rain, and other elements.

PRIMA-PROTECT CC7133 colored to match the industrial protection paint on the ship provides the combination of the moisture and water blocking characteristics and the UV blocking of the direct sun exposure to provide to protect against rust and corrosion. Properly executed may extended the time for maintenance coating to several years rather than one year.

PRIMA-PROTECT CC7133 pigmented to match the base industrial paint and coated over it can provide moisture and UV blocking capability to the base paint and thus the structural elements underneath the base paint.

PRIMA-PROTECT CC7130-E and CC7133 pigmented to match the base industrial paint and coated over painted surfaces can provide moisture and UV blocking capability to the base paint and thus the structural elements underneath the base paint. Unlike traditional epoxy, acrylic and polyurethane will Tg ranging from 10-80°C, CC7130-E and CC7133 (with color matching to base paint on the structure) have Tg at -55°C to ensure no stresses are induced on the paints on the structure to cause delamination or degradation.

Protective Conformal Coatings for Metals and Coated Metals Against Marine Seacoast Environment of Salt Fog, Salt Spray Exposure and Direct Salt Water Immersion with Outstanding UV Resistance

Properties of AIT Marine Seacoast and UV Protection Coatings (Paints)

Electrical Resistivity>10¹⁴ Ω-cm>10¹⁴ Ω-cm>10¹⁴ Ω-cm>10¹⁴ Ω-cm
Viscosity @10 rpm800 cps3,000 cps800 cps800cps
Glass Transition and Melting Point Tg/Tm (°C)-55/115-55/115-50/140-50/140
Optical Transparency/ColorTranslucentGray, White, Red and BlueTransparentTransparent
Pencil HardnessH2H2H2H1
Cured Density of Conductive Adhesive Portion (gm/cc)
Thermal Conductivity> 0.2 W/m-°K> 1.8 W/m-°K> 0.2 W/m-°K> 0.2 W/m-°K
Solvent Used & May be addedHeptane, Mineral SpiritHeptane, Mineral SpiritN-Butyl Acetate/AcetoneN-Butyl Acetate/Acetone
Maximum Continuous Operation Temperature (°C)> 180> 180> 250> 180
Decomposition Temperature @5% weight loss in 30 min (°C)>400>400>400>400
Recommended Drying Temperature/Time (°C/min.)>Ambient/60>Ambient/60>Ambient/60>Ambient/60

New Generation of Protection Coating-Paint Around Marine Seacoast Corrosion and Against Salt Fog, Salt Spray and Salt Water Immersion

According to the Marine Corrosion Forum, year upon year the cost of marine corrosion has increased until it is estimated today at 4 % of the Gross National Product. An enlightened approach to materials selection, protection and corrosion control is needed to reduce this burden of wasted materials, wasted energy and wasted money. Understand the causes of marine corrosion and the way in which protective coatings and systems along with more resistant materials can reduce or entirely eliminate sea water corrosion problems.

Many different types of destructive attack, “aqueous corrosion” can occur to structures, ships and other equipment used in or near sea water service with atmospheric corrosion of metals exposed on or near coastlines, and hot salt corrosion in engines operating at sea or taking in salt-laden air (salt fog) also require a systematic approach and protection coatings to eliminate or manage them.

How can marine corrosion be controlled? Key factors in prevention of marine corrosion are design, selection of materials, construction, use and maintenance.  Among the main methods for controlling the tendency of metals to corrode in sea water, painting or coating helps to isolate the corroding metal from sea water or salt fog is one of most effective methods that can be applied with and after or without and as post installation after thought protection.

According to the Marine Corrosion Forum, corrosion was found to be responsible for 30% of failures on ships and other marine equipment.  These are expensive errors arising from the selection and use of unsuitable materials and are compounded by ever increasing penalties on vessels, civil and military for breakdown and unnecessarily short intervals between outages for major repairs.  On offshore platforms the cost penalty for replacement of failed equipment is several times that required for a similar onshore facility, and this does not take into account any losses of oil or gas production.

AIT marine protection coatings are engineered to be applied as primary or maintenance protection coatings that can be applied onto existing coating or paint to provide additional salt water or salt fog protection. They can be typically applied without preparation other than normal reasonable cleaning. CC7090-M is specially designed with additional function of protection against microbiologic or microbial attack for both direct immersion and salt laden environments. SC7050 and SC7130 are transparent PVDF based decorative coating for protecting metal surfaces against salt fog and UV exposures.

Comparative Protective Coating Performance for Moisture and Sea Water

AIT Specialty Flexible Hydrophobic CoatingsAcrylics & Polyurethane Based CoatingsSilicone Based CoatingsTraditional Rubber Based CoatingsEpoxy Based Coatings
Moderate bond strength to most substratesModerate bond strength to variety of substratesModerate bond strength to most substratesModerate bond strength to most substratesExcellent bond strength to most substrates
FlexibleSemi-flexibleSoft and flexibleFlexibleFlexible
Up to 125°C continuous & higher intermittentUp to 125°C with decreasing bond strength with increasing tempUp to 300°C continuous & higher intermittentUp to 125°C with decreasing bond strength with increasing temp150°C continuous, 300°C intermittent
Good flexibility to -55°CFair flexibility to -20°C for mostGood flexibility to -55°C or betterGood flexibility to -45°C for mostMostly not  flexible
Engineered and proven outstanding moisture and salt fog, water and salt water immersion protection for aluminum, copper, steel and almost all coated metalsFair to poor water, moisture and salt fog protectionGood water resistance and fair for salt fog protectionFair to poor water, moisture and salt fog protectionFair to water, moisture and salt fog protection
Outstanding UV resistance for most formulationsModerate UV resistance and may be enhanced with UV blockersExcellent UV resistanceFair UV resistance and may be enhanced with UV blockersModerate UV resistance and may be enhanced with UV blockers
Engineered for outstanding tolerance to low temperatureMost have poor tolerance to low temperatureExcellent agingExcellent agingExcellent aging
Removable with suitable solventsTough to remove and with residualsRemovable with some residualsRemovable with some residualsRemovable with some residuals
Fair chemical resistanceGood chemical resistanceGood chemical resistanceFair chemical resistanceExcellent chemical resistance
Fair to most solvents; poor resistance to petroleum solvents for CC-7090 seriesFair solvent resistanceFair solvent resistanceFair solvent resistanceGood solvent resistance
Salt water and salt fog protection; UV protectionGeneral purpose applicationsSpecialty for high & low temp applicationsGeneral purpose applicationsSpecialty applications

The above pictures are taken with moisture barrier coating on aluminum foil that are easily corroded by salt-water and salt fog. A 5 micron coating of CC7090 provides adequate protection to the aluminum surface while the parts that are not protected showed dramatic tarnishes (dark-brown “colored”). CC7090 is available as unfilled or filled with UV blockers materials. They are particularly useful for electrical devices, contacts, joints and printed circuit boards that may need additional conformal protection with extended long-term exposures. CC7090 represents a specialty formulated coating that focus in water  and salt water immersion, salt fog and high moisture protections for metals and intermetallic joints against corrosion. The same effective protection have also be tested and proven for copper, steel and almost all coated metals.

CC7133 series of coatings available in different colors are designed to provide extreme protections against moisture, salt fog, salt water exposed coated metals when applied directly. They are also ideal in providing additional life and dramatically lower the maintenance costs for large infrastructures such as bridges, light houses and other structures along the sea coasts.

For more information and recommendation assistance, please contact AIT sales and engineering:

AIT technical sales and service department can also be reached at: 1-609-799-9388 or 1-800-735-5040 (EST) and Fax: 609-799-9308